
This post is inspired by Lysa TerKeurst’s 20 Rules for Lysa Based on What I Know Now which she posted on her Instagram stories. You […]
Ya'll know that the item has the same tag whether you buy it at a fancy name brand store or at one with blue and yellow tags, right?!
Did you know it takes only 30 days to establish a habit? What's super cool is, it's never too late to pick a few things up and start being way more intentional about your time (goodbye doom-scrolling).
We all need escapes, but I've been trying to be a lot more conscious about how my escapes are fueling me.
I'm not worried about what happened last week or what happens for the rest of the week. I'm just H E R E! And, today is extra special because I'm here with you.
Happy Monday and Happy Memorial Day! I am sure you have seen a ton of Monday sales and woohoo on getting the best deal especially on some key staples, however when I shop sales and/or in general, I really try to focus on spending my money quality vs. quantity.
Countless women have reached out to tell me about the compliments they have received wearing my jewelry. I believe that we all deserve to be seen and heard. It’s such a great feeling knowing my jewelry is doing that for women. These are the elements that keep the motivation coming strong!
When we can see your acts of grace in between the next to do, when we look up instead of look down, we hold you as number one.
On my hardest nights I’d pinch the inside of my palm and I’d think to myself: I don’t know how, but you’ll do this. My tattoos are my external armor—one even says, “I don’t know how to do this, but something inside me does,” (a quote from my friend Lauren McKowen), but my gut is my internal armor.
Much like me standing at the ocean letting it take my problems, the minute the ocean was out of site my problems were at the forefront of my mind and the cycle began again. When I see blue I try to let my problems sort themselves out. I try to loosen my stronghold on what I think is working and accept what isn't.
We don't always see what we need to see, but oftentimes we don't even try to go back to look. Sometimes, it's painful. Sometimes, "we just want to move on." Sometimes, we don't have the time, or the money, or the energy, or the guidance, or the self-awareness to even know what we are looking at.