Launch Time!

Last Updated: November 24, 2023By 2.1 min readCategories: Personal Musings

Hey ya’ll and thank you so much for stopping by! I am so glad you’re here! WELCOME! Okay, I promise to not include too many explanation points in this short (I can hear my girlfriend laughing in my head, she knows nothing I write is ever “short”) introduction. Happy Monday! I love launching projects on a Monday because to me a Monday is a weekly reset button. I’m not worried about what happened last week or what happens for the rest of the week. I’m just H E R E! And, today is extra special because I’m here with you.

Normally, each day during the work week you can expect one fresh post, but for launch day I have all 5 ready for you! I decided to spice it up this week by creating a bit of extra content for T-FR. I want each post to be bursting with energy and color and excitement. Now is no time to play small! If you’d like to follow along and never miss a post here’s an opportunity to do so:

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I’m also going to be keeping up with my open-door policy over on my Instagram which you can follow here as well as my Twitter:

If you ever have ideas or want to email me for whatever reason (prayers, cheese recommendation, etc.) you can hit the Contact Me page at the tippy top of this page.

Okay! That’s it with housekeeping! I wanted to make launch day equally exciting for you, so I’m actually hosting a giveaway for both a yummy treat + a personal development book. Please leave a comment on this post specifically telling me something that gives you hope + give my blog a follow to be entered! The comment button is at the top of this post. I will choose a winner at the end of this week.

Stay tuned for lots of faith, God, and getting dressed in the coming days and weeks.



There is always light. If only we are brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.

Amanda Gorman

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  1. Erin Kane May 30, 2022 at 4:31 pm - Reply

    Art gives me hope. Creativity is what keeps humanity moving forward. Progress, vision, clarity all come from art in all its forms.

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