Biting Into Jannica Mundy’s Cookie Business

Last Updated: May 12, 2024By 8.2 min readCategories: Talking to the Boss
Haley Sherif: Introduce yourself:

Jannica Mundy: Hi, I am Jannica Mundy and the face behind, Jannica’s Cookies and Flourish Events and Retreats. I am a passionate cookie artist and micro-influencer who lives in Herriman, Utah. My mission behind my businesses is to inspire women to be creative and live a passionate life. I am an entrepreneur at heart with a love for travel, fine dining, outdoor adventure and creative projects. Along with beautifully decorated custom cookies, you can often find me sharing mom hacks, seasonal decor inspiration and party planning tips. I am also a full time mom to 3 beautiful kids and have been married to my husband for 14 years.

HS: How did you get started with Jannica’s Cookies?

JM: Before cookies came into my life, I was a registered dental hygienist. I have always had an eye for beautiful things and been drawn to creative projects and calligraphy. I quit my dental hygiene job when my second child was born. I was now a stay-at-home mom with a 2 year old and a newborn. Six months after my daughter was born, I decorated my first royal icing cookie and I was immediately hooked! It was fun, creative and challenging! I loved it. I began making cookies for neighbors, friends and family for every holiday. After 9 months of decorating for fun, I made my Instagram account as a gallery for me to show my work and what I was capable of creating. The rest is history!

Someone is going to be attracted to what you provide and what you create. Don’t look at others as competition. Look at others in this industry as learning tools, community and find that cookie bestie that you can use as a sounding board.
HS: Why do you think your business has done so well? What would you say to someone who is just getting started?

JM: I believe that the most important thing that has made my business successful is being consistent. I have always made the effort to post on my social media account and stay relevant. My posts ebb and flow. Sometimes I post everyday. Other times, I post once a week. Advice that I would give to someone that is starting their cookie journey would be to, “keep trying because we all started somewhere” and “don’t get caught in the comparison” game. There is so much talent and skill out there, but they all started at the bottom at some point. Anyone who is good at something has put forth time, effort and energy to become better. So, don’t give up. Comparison is the thief of joy and there is space for everyone. Someone is going to be attracted to what you provide and what you create. Don’t look at others as competition. Look at others in this industry as learning tools, community and find that cookie bestie that you can use as a sounding board.

HS: What makes you want to make cookies? Where do you find inspiration?

JM: I love creating, making people happy and love celebrating any occasion. I always have had a desire to be a party planner, but it’s not my season for that right now with little kids at home. Cookies are a way for me to be creative, put a smile on someone’s face and help others celebrate milestones in their lives! I find inspiration from other cookiers, home decor items, seasonal decor, tee shirts and clothing, wrapping paper, movies and basically anything. The thought “I should cookie-fy that” frequently goes through my head.

HS: Do you have a favorite cookie you’ve ever made and/or an event you’ve ever made cookies for?

JM: I once took an online portrait cookie class. I made a face portrait of Moira Rose from Schitt’s Creek. This cookie took me 7 hours between hand cutting, baking, flooding, and then painting fine line details of the cookie. I am so proud of the cookie and it is one of my favorite cookie accomplishments.

I have been able to make cookies for some amazing events! Rachel Parcell is a lifestyle and fashion blogger who is local to me. She has hired me to create amazing cookies for her personally and for her business. But, my most favorite cookies are always ones that I make for my own kids, my family and friends. I think this is because I get to see their reaction and gratitude when the cookies are displayed at their events. Cookies are always a great conversation starter!

HS: What is something or things that you always have on you?

JM: A floss stick. Ha this probably goes back to my dental hygiene background. I hate having something stuck in my teeth.


HS: How do you hope to grow both online and offline this year?

JM: Online… the biggest way for me to grow has always been through sharing step-by-step decorating videos. Many viewers find this relaxing to watch and soothing. Other cookiers in my field of work may use these videos to help them decorate an upcoming order or learn about my process. I plan to keep sharing my work and the creation process!

Offline…my business continues to grow by me partnering up with one of my cookie besties, Meaghan House from @thesugarhousebakery, to create our new business. We created Flourish Events and Retreats to take our cookie community to the next level. We are offering a range of different women’s events and retreats to create more meaningful relationships while also flourishing business and having fun!

HS: Do you have words that inspire you?

JM: My word for this year is consistency. I have talked about the importance that consistency has brought me in my business. But, consistency with clean eating and moving my body has been my mantra for the year and has helped me physically and mentally.

HS: What is on your nightstand right now?

JM: I am so simple and a bit OCD, so I don’t keep much on my nightstand. I have a home decor vase with some flowers in it, a sound machine, my watch charger and my phone charger.

HS: Do you like to read? Favorite book/author?

JM: I don’t read much. When I do it’s the news and pop culture. I do listen to occasional e-book or podcasts. Ebooks that I gravitate towards are biographies. I am naturally a busy body and have a hard time sitting down to relax and enjoy a book, if I can listen to something while I am multitasking, that is my favorite way to take in information.

HS: What’s in your purse right now? 

JM: Again, simple and a bit OCD. My wallet, hand sanitizer, floss sticks, my favorite Maybelline lifter lip gloss and cuticle oil.

HS: If you were to describe your style in three words what would they be?

JM: Cookie style: polished, detail-oriented, uniform. I customize the set according to the clients wishes and specialize in a cohesive, polished set.

HS: What is your favorite season to dress for?

JM: I love to dress for winter. My go-to outfit is casual leggings with a pullover or hoodie! I am all about comfort while I am a stay-at-home mom + running my cookie business.

HS: Coffee or tea?

JM: Neither for me! I am all about water or lemon water.

HS: Optimistic or realistic? 

JM: Optimistic! I am all about manifesting what you want and making it happen!

HS: Favorite binge-worthy show?

JM: I have a few favorite series! Schitt’s Creek, Outlander and Real House Wives SLC.

HS: Favorite Instagram moment?

JM: I don’t think I have one specific moment. My Instagram account has slowly grown over time. Over this time, I have met so many amazing people and it’s the people and the connections that I have made that is my most favorite thing about Instagram. Some of these virtual friends have become my best friends that I hang out with, talk to regularly and have started business with!

HS: What is your process like for making new cookies/confections? 

JM: Sunday, I will sit down and design my orders for the week. Pull inspiration, etc.
Monday, I will make dough and bake cookies.
Tuesday, make icing and start decorating. Sometimes, I can finish an order in a day. But, if I am juggling multiple orders I will flood the base layers of the cookies this first day.
Wednesday, detail cookies and watch the entire set come to life!
Thursday, package the cookies.
Fridays, pick ups!

I usually break up my week this way. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my longer work days. I also juggle admin work like invoicing, ordering supplies, updating my website, communicating with customers, invoices and other business related tasks throughout the week and as my personal life allows.

HS: What are you looking forward to making this year?

JM: Memories at our 3rd annual cookier event that is coming up at the end of March! I am co-hosting a three hour event for women bakers that’s all about community and having fun. Later this year, I am co-hosting our first retreat. We have women traveling all over the United States to join me for an all-inclusive retreat weekend that includes cookie classes, outdoor adventure, and more!

Thank you so much for allowing me this space to tell you a little bit about me and my business.

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