The Mantra Hack

Ya’ll I am so excited to share this hack with ya’ll! When I think about it, it’s less of a hack and more of something that you can introduce into those every day moments when your mind starts filling with anxiety, stressors, endless “to-dos,” and everything in-between that makes you feel “meh” or much much heavier. This hack will get you from heavy to heightened all in a matter of seconds. You don’t have to spend money. You don’t have to wait for weeks on end to get an appointment. You don’t even need to lift a finger. Ready for it?
My girlfriend, Alisa, introduced me to this concept, (she’s a life coach and more than my girl, she’s also my best friend, so I pick her brain whenever I can), and I was easily hooked.
- Think about a fear you have.
- Walk to the root cause of that fear.
- Think about the opposite of that fear.
- Insert the opposite of your fear to an, “I am” statement.
- Repeat that statement regularly, excessively, before bed, in the morning, waiting in line at the grocery store/drug store/bus. Watch your life change, your positivity increase, and those pesky thoughts turn into pure gold!

No, really it’s that easy! Let me walk you through mine.
- I took my fear of losing my amazing healthy relationship.
- I walked to the root of that fear which I uncovered as feeling unworthy as reenforced by negative partnerships in the past.
- The opposite? Worthiness!
- My “I am…?” I am worthy!
It’s easy. It’s life changing. It’s a fight just as much as the negative is, but dig your heels in long enough to the positive instead and you will be feeling the freedom of cha-cha-change.