Faith Without Works Is Dead

Last Updated: November 24, 2023By 1.8 min readCategories: Faith Talks
Cooking is a great way to feel nourished and activate your faith!

Do you know this saying from the rooms of AA? I do! It just came to me this morning though when I was thinking about a topic for this week’s faith posting.

What does it actually mean?

Think about a time when you’ve really wanted something. You’ve had the faith that it would work out. You’ve kept the hope. You maybe even did one thing every day to remind you of it like putting it on your calendar or sharing it in a gratitude list with a friend. But, what did you actually do about it?

What did you to take steps to get to that place?

Maybe, you have a trip planned and you’re super faithful that it will work out, but you aren’t actually putting the money aside to save for it or making plans for when you get there. You’re probably going to be disappointed.

Maybe, you’re in a new relationship and you’re really faithful that it will work out this time, but you’re backsliding into old patterns and bad habits and not taking any steps to change your behavior and mental health.

Do you see what I mean?

When we are faced with something we want, our job is to trust God because he will do the rest, but without taking active steps to trust God, to keep the faith, then we just have a faith that exists purely by definition, not by activation.

Today, I want you to do something to activate your faith.

Maybe, it’s turning a negative thought away when it comes to you.

Maybe, it’s by trusting the chapter of your life you’re in.

Maybe, it’s by taking a different way to work or putting makeup on or cooking a homemade meal just because you know the longer walk will make you feel better and the makeup will make you feel sexier and the cooking will help you feel nourished.

Maybe, it’s some unique combination that is entirely your own.

Faith without works is dead. Keep the faith, but make sure to activate it, too!

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  1. The Write Stylus July 18, 2022 at 5:45 pm - Reply

    “When we are faced with something we want, our job is to trust God because he will do the rest, but without taking active steps to trust God, to keep the faith, then we just have a faith that exists purely by definition, not by activation.”—Yes, we must put feet to our faith.

    • Haley Kamilla July 18, 2022 at 5:49 pm

      Yes! Thank you for reading.

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