Talking Shop with Des Moines Store Owner, Chloe Bratvold

Last Updated: November 24, 2023By 1.6 min readCategories: Talking to the Boss

What’s the origin story with Preloved Luxe?

I have always purchased second hand for myself since I can remember especially designer handbags! I love a good deal, but they do take time to find. 

I felt like we had a hole in the market in DSM.

What is it like owning your boutique? Why do you love it?

It is A LOT of work and HOURS! However, the work is worth it when you find a good deal for your client.

When do you create? 

I spend a lot of my time using my creative side at my other business Candle Bar DSM.

Do you have a specific daily routine?

Everyday is very different daily routine as it is more of a side hustle to my full other small business.

What do you like to do for fun? 

Exploring all the great restaurants in DSM and quality time with my daughter.

What’s the best thrifted/second-hand find you’ve ever found?

I would have to say a brand new YSL that was $750 off of retail!

Favorite MUST READ authors?

I am more of a podcast girlie. 

Who are your favorite artists? 


3 items you cannot live without are…

COFFEE, dry shampoo, and Jimmy Johns

Coffee or tea?


What would you tell yourself 5 years ago? 10? 

Your dreams only work if you do! 

What does living your capital T Truth mean to you?

If you don’t believe in your product no one will!

Favorite quote?

Your net worth is only as big as your network!

You can follow Preloved Luxe on social media or check out their website.

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