Pray Like You

I used to think there was one prescribed way to pray and if you didn’t do it that way, well you shouldn’t do it at all. But what I’ve learned as I rededicate myself to my faith is that prayer is a completely personal endeavor which should never be dictated by another person. Prayer is personal!
How you pray, what you say, etc. falls into the same category of your relationship to God which is no one’s business, but His and yours. I think so many times, like with life stuff, we allow the “wrong way” to effect having faith.
MYTH: You have to read the Bible.
MYTH: You have to kneel and place your palms together.
MYTH: You have to speak in full sentences or with a “point.”
MYTH: You have to worship in a Church.
No, you don’t have to do any of those things to engage in prayer!
We get to do faith the way that feels best to us.
Does the consistency feel uncomfortable at first? Sure! Does prayer sometimes feel a bit awkward–like that first date energy while you discuss the weather? Yup! But, we keep doing it anyway because we know that the longer we do something, the best chance we have at making that something a fully-formed habit that we can then start relying on as we would any other routine or relationship that’s healthy!
Like going to the gym, prayer is a way to exercise our relationship with God. Just start small. Instead of grabbing the 10 pound weights, grab the 5 pounders.
Anne Lamott writes, “Prayer is taking a chance that against all odds and past history, we are loved and chosen, and do not have to get it together before we show up.” Anne has some of the best words of wisdom when it comes to life, prayer, and everything in between. If you haven’t read one of her books yet, I highly encourage you to see which ones your local library carries and get on it.
Prayer really is that easy and that magnanimous!
We are loved and chosen and we practice that when we spend time with our God. It’s not going to be perfect. It never is. Prayer is going to be a practice of faith which could just change your entire life if you let it.