About Haley

Write creatively! Make art! There is room for us all at the top.
Grace, God, and Getting Dressed is a reminder of what makes us (creatives) great. I love the name because it captures three of the most important themes in my life: grace, (gosh I need to have more of it with myself, with others, with the sometimes slow WiFi), God (He is the Creator and He made us perfect and pre-determined our journeys, and getting dressed, (as much as WFH might make my pjs feel like my uniform I know that when I look my best I also feel my best).
These three themes also feel true to so many creators out there. While they may call God by a different name, having grace with themselves and their art as well as matching their insides to their outsides, (maybe it isn’t their actual clothing, but their office space/their tattoos/their bright hair/earring collection etc.), is important to them.
I know we only create art when we can fundamentally believe in it otherwise it is way too easy to move on from it, let empty notebooks pile up, and feel like we are just repeating what someone else already made. I know what it feels like to be recognized for my work and I love showcasing other creators in what they do.
My hopes are that this is a community of all the people who do it anyway; not in spite of their obstacles, but because of them. In short, they let their creativity be fueled by a burning passion inside of them–coaxing embers on their hardest of days because they believe in the work they do no matter what.
For me, it isn’t so much about self-motivation as it is about wanting to hold onto the beautiful feeling I get when my keys race across the keyboard or when I sit back and look at something I spent hours making. Seeing my name in print is really just the cherry on top–creating a space to have these conversations is my ultimate goal for Grace, God, and Getting Dressed and I hope you will join me.
A Little About Me
My name is Haley Kamilla and I have been a writer for over a decade! Wow, when I write it out look that I am astounded.
Do you ever surprise yourself like that? I do!
I graduated from Emerson College in 2016 with a B.F.A. in Writing, Literature, and Publishing, though my focus was specifically nonfiction creative writing. I don’t know when exactly I realized I could become a writer, but I know when I did that everything truly changed for me. I credit my English teachers in both high school and college for fostering both my growth as a writer and as a human, (we all love our teachers and we truly owe them thanks!).
I started getting published back in high school when I bravely reached out to my summer workshop journalism instructor, Starre Vartan, and she took me under her wing. You can see my earliest work over on her website, Eco-Chick. Now, I’ve written for such places as: Apartment Therapy, The Rumpus, and Hobart Pulp. I never get over seeing my name on a website and equally freak out each time I hit “publish” myself. One of the reasons I’ve circled back to blogging is because my best memories are creating content I want to create and then sharing it with all of you.
The name for this blog literally came to me in the shower and ever since that moment my fingers haven’t stopped typing or writing. Grace, God, and Getting Dressed is like having lunch with your bestie–we’re going to laugh, we’re going to cry, and we’re always going to leave just slightly tipsy! Though, day drinking is totally optional.
I want my blog posts to reflect who I try to be on a daily basis: faithful, truthful, and hopeful. That’s it. That is my magic trio. Like Fred Rogers’ mother once said to him, “look for the helpers.” I don’t know how many lives I can reach, but I do know that if I just find one other person who once felt that their confidence was shot or that they were “too much,” (whatever that means), or that their world was falling apart, I’ve done my job. My words are mine and you’re welcome to, (respectfully), disagree. I’m not trying to preach or sell or convert, but rather share my experience, strength, and hope (something I’ve picked-up in a handful of 12-step rooms). Your story might look different than mine and that’s how it should be! Imagine if we were all carbon copies of one another–life would be so boring.
Whether you’re a stay at home mom, a busy CEO, an artist, a fellow writer, a worshipper, a _____, I hope you find a home in my little corner of the web. You’re more than welcome here. I really hope you connect with me: write to me, comment, share, and/or whatever feels authentic to you!
In faith, truth, and hope,